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john rss

john honked 08 Feb 2025 17:05 +0000

@tedu if I use the "save" button in Honk to save the most unhinged stuff I come across, so I can later use it to help decide to completely delete this server and get out of the Fediverse nuthouse... will the people who posted those things know that I've saved them or is it purely local to my account?

john honked 07 Feb 2025 16:47 +0000

What's NPR even gonna do if Republicans start saying "migrants without legal status" in an angry tone?

john honked 27 Jan 2025 23:46 +0000

I wish I'd noticed the little bit of blue poking out from under a leaf in the tub of pickles before I crunched down a whole spear.

Yep, it's a rubber glove! Thanks Grillos Pickles and Costco!


john honked back 23 Jan 2025 17:41 +0000
in reply to: https://bananachips.club/users/nev/statuses/113873261627253982

@cks @nev indeed, how could a person ever possibly remember a non-zero number? 31F? Is that t-shirt weather, or should I bundle up? It's impossible to judge!

There's also the implicit humor in checking the weather forecast to see what the temperature will be, but studiously ignoring the part where it tells you what sort of precipitation you can expect, instead opting to guess based solely on the temperature. Sleet? Freezing fog? Hail? Nah, those don't exist -- it's either rain or snow, determined solely by the temperature at ground level.

john honked 15 Jan 2025 22:00 +0000

It's a good thing Horatio Hornblower is a really excellent naval captain because personality-wise he's just awful.