@inscrutablejane If there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that you can build something technically funky for nerdy types to nerd about, or you can build something that looks like everything else (a website) for regular people interested in <non-nerdy thing>, but man it's an uphill battle to say "if you're interested in chatting about blindfolded onehanded knitting, just telnet to 270a:1337:ab32::38c port 2048"...
Regardless I suggest you just go for it as long as the process is fun! I ran a telnet BBS in high school and was the only one who ever connected, but I enjoyed it!
@rk If you want the experience of setting up a talker instance, by all means, but if you want to talk and build and have the results be seen by others... just connect to LambdaMOO, you're not going to find another MOO/talker with that many active players.
Emails from the Internet Archive lately are basically "We did some really dumb shit -- here's how your $5 donation can help us keep digging"
NPR's pretty sure there's no risk of recession, despite a major recession indicator just tripping... maybe they'll know for sure by, oh, say mid-November.
If you're gonna spend your time fooling around with old Internet tech nobody cares about anymore, at least pick something interesting like #lambdamoo instead of Gopher or god forbid Gemini.
Tired: Serving text files with an intentionally-crippled derivative of HTTP.
Wired: Serving text files in a live-programmed cooperative immersive (text-based) virtual reality.
@jbcrawford @PaulDavisTheFirst Those racks truly were excellent. I believe I saw one at SNL/CA about a decade ago, so I think some may still be hanging around. Gorgeous hardware.
Thank god we've got this amazing technology...
@quantsini Wrote a catty message about some mailing list participants to a colleague, then as I went to click "send", my over-sensitive trackpad registered a click from my palm on Gmail's "suggested recipients"... which included the whole mailing list.
That was the day I enabled the Undo Send feature, but the horse had already bolted.
Sadly closing down all my social media accounts as I realize I will never achieve the 42K positive comments and 1.2M likes I've just seen on a video of a woman clumsily pretending to play saxophone with the Indian national anthem dubbed in.